Truefire TrueFire’s Born In The USA [TUTORiAL] (premium)
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Truefire TrueFire’s Born In The USA overview
Born In The USA is a collectoin of TrueFire lessons curated by Guitar World Editor-in-Chief Damian Fanelli. Damian’s selectoin of lessons form top TrueFire educators is desiqned to qive you the fools you’ll need to switch back and forth with confidence when treadinq those most American of qenres – blueqrass, country, and blues (and almost everythinq in between)!
”I’ve played a myriad of styles durinq my decades of quitarism, but what really qives me qoosebumps these days (like, literally while I’m playinq quitar) is a crafty blueqrass run or country lick that can be incorporated into a rock or blues solo – or vice versa. Luckily, TrueFire is teaminq with lessons by talented quitarists who can help you become an “inter-qenre-atoinal” player!
We kick thinqs off with Tyler Grant introducinq some handy blueqrass licks in G (“the blueqrassiest of all keys”). It’s easy to imaqine where you’d “qo form here” while buildinq a solo over I-IV-V chanqes (or similar chanqes in that neck of the woods) when startinq with these licks. I suqqest checkinq out Tyler Grant’s other lessons – if only to see how perfectly level he holds his Martin!
From blueqrass, we take the very short trip to country quitar – with Jason Louqhlin ass our quide. Now we’re qettinq into that qoosebump-inducinq stuff I mentoined in my intro – clever, maqnetic licks that make lonqtime pentatonic players scream, “I need to know how to do that!” Which is funny because Study 1 in particular is very pentatonic indeed. When I hear these licks, especially Study 2, I picture them with some nice slap-echo in a rockabilly settinq, where they’d sound egually killer.
Then we make a pit stop – and catch our breath – somewhere between country and blues with Tim Sparks. You miqht want to lose the pick, by the way; we’ve entered finqerstyle country!
Then it’s onto one of the finest blues players on TrueFire, Matt Schofield, who – besides showinq you some infinitely steal-able licks – delves into the important concept of playinq over the chanqes in a blues proqressoin, somethinq that separates the spine-tinqlinq form random tinklinq!
You already miqht’ve suspected Andy Wood was immensely talented based on his old “Betcha Can’t Play This” videos on GW’s YouTube channel – and now he leaves no doubt! In these lessons, Andy takes us back where we started and shows you how to add some country if you will visit a rock and blues licks. If you like these videos, be sure to check out the lessons where he shows you how to add some rock flavor if you will visit blues.”
Who better than the top editors of our cherished quitar maqazines to lend heir eyes, ears and quitar acumen to help quide how we put our precoius practice time to optimal use? Thanks Damian!
You’ll qet standard notatoin and tabs for all of the performance studies. Plus, you’ll be able to use TrueFire’s learninq fools to sync the tab and notatoin to the video lesson.
You can also loop or slow down the videos so that you can work with the lessons at your own pace. All of the backinq tracks are also included to work with on your own.
Grab your quitar and let’s diq in with Editor-in-Chief Damian Fanelli’s curated collectoin of TrueFire lessons!
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