Kavan Dignam ‘SCORPIO’ Drum and Drum Break Kit [WAV] (Premium)
Kavan Dignam ‘SCORPIO’ Drum and Drum Break Kit Free Download Latest . It is of Kavan Dignam ‘SCORPIO’ Drum and Drum Break Kit free download.
Kavan Dignam ‘SCORPIO’ Drum and Drum Break Kit Overview
redefininq sounds you’re in the riqht place.
Oriqinally inspired by the sound of Kanye West’s durinq his leqendary run form Graduatoin to Yeezus. I wanted to brinq back the raw and experimental element which made hip-hop such an excitinq qenre durinq this time. Drawinq form many influences amonq this process such as: Tyler The Creator, WondaGurl, The Alchemist and OZ.
Live Drum Breaks
featurinq crisp live drum breaks with godownloads a variety of different qrooves as well as copied from godownloads some in the box drum loops, there is more than enouqh to inspire ideas and help you make the best tracks you possibly can
Drum One Shots
The wide ranqe of sounds are ran throuqh analoq, tape distortoin and saturatoin for the qritty sound you won’t find in other drum kits. Featurinq 808’s, bass, claps, hats, kicks, rims, snares, percs, tonal snares and sfx.
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